

Commercial Analytics

Optimize business performance with Fastlane's comprehensive suite of commercial analytics services. Our tailored solutions leverage cutting-edge data analytics to enhance customer engagement, improve targeting, and drive business growth.

Industry Stats


Marketing leaders report that data-driven strategies are crucial in decision-making


Companies that adopt advanced marketing analytics can see up to a 45% increase in marketing ROI.


Marketing analytics influence just over half (53%) of marketing decisions, indicating a significant impact but also room for improvement in leveraging data for decision-making.


of commercial organizations will deploy multiple data hubs in their data fabric by 2026

How We Help

Marketing Analytics

Dive deep into your marketing data to uncover actionable insights, optimize campaigns, and improve ROI. Our analytics and Media Mix Models(MMM's) help you understand the effectiveness of your marketing strategies and tweak them for maximum impact.

Predictive Forecasting

Employ predictive models to forecast future market trends, customer behaviors, and campaign outcomes. This proactive approach allows you to stay ahead of the curve and strategically plan your marketing efforts.

Sales Analytics

Analyze sales data and market trends to identify opportunities for growth, optimize pricing strategies, and enhance commercial performance(profitability).

Business Intelligence

Get comprehensive, easy-to-understand dashboards & reports that provide clear insights into your business performance. Our reporting tools help you make informed decisions quickly and efficiently

Market Basket Analytics

Use transactional data to understand customer purchase patterns and preferences to optimize product placements, promotions, and cross-selling strategies.

We helped a leading electronics manufacturer use deep sales data analysis(MBA) and a near real time dashboard to increase sales by 15% and boost cross-sales by 25%

Real World Impact

From retail to finance, we’re your partner in seizing new opportunities with advanced technology.

Ready to transform your business? Contact Fastlane Devs today.